Whoniverse DVD

$45.00 AUD

Whoniverse DVD

Whoniverse and The Doctor himself is along for the ride!



Whoniverse and The Doctor himself is along for the ride!
This five-city Australian tour of Doctor Who events saw the stars of the landmark BBC series traveling from coast to coast to meet their fans.
Along for the tour with Matt “The Doctor” Smith was his companion of several seasons, Karen “Amy Pond” Gillan, as well as Alex “River Song” Kingston & Freema “Martha Jones” Aygeman.
This souvenir DVD of the tour features all nine of the guest panels, uncut and in their entirety, so no matter which city you were in you won’t miss a thing!
Completing this set of Whovian delight is a special appearance from David “The Doctor” Tennant & Billie “Rose Tyler” Piper!